Adrian Lahoud is Dean of the School of Architecture at the Royal College of Art which now for the 4th year in a row is named as the world best Arts & Design school in the world by the QS World University Ranking.
Prior to his current role at RCA, he was Director of the MA at the Centre for Research Architecture Goldsmiths University and a research fellow in the Forensic Architecture ERC project, Studio master in the Projective Cities MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design at the Architectural Association and Director of the MArch Urban Design, Bartlett UCL.
Drawing on nation building projects in the post-colonial period, early cybernetic forms of government, and the mobilisation of climate research by the global south, his PhD titled The Problem of Scale: The City, the Territory, the Planetary sets out a theory of scale drawn from architectural practice in the context of emancipatory struggles.
Recent exhibits include The Shape of the Eclipse at Let’s Talk about the Weather: Art and Ecology in a Time of Crisis Sursock Museum Beirut, Secular Cosmologies in After Belonging Triennial of Architecture Oslo, and Floating Bodies at Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin. He has also contributed to Haus der Kulturen der Welt’s Anthropocene Curriculum and Technosphere projects.
Recent presentations include Fallen Cities at The Arab City: Architecture and Representation Columbia University GSAPP, Scale as a Problem, Architecture as a Trap at Climate Change and the Scale of the Environment Columbia University GSAPP, Floating Bodies at Conflict Shorelines Princeton University, New Imaginaries at The Mediterranean Harvard University, Floating Bodies at Travellers ETH Zurich, and Fallen Cities at Grand Gestures Eikones Basel.
Recent publications include The Mediterranean: A New Imaginary in New Geographies (Harvard University Press), Floating Bodies in Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth (Sternberg), The Bodele Declaration in Grain, Vapour, Ray: Textures of the Anthropocene (MIT Press), Nomos and Cosmos in Supercommunity (e-flux), Fallen Cities in The Arab City: Architecture and Representation (Columbia University Press), Scale as a Problem, Architecture as a Trap in Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary (Avery Review Lars Muller) and A Mandala to a Model in Elements for a World: Stone, Water, Wood, Fire, Sky (Sursock Museum).
He is currently working on a project exploring the intersection of architecture, anthropology and semiotics.
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Adrian Lahoud është Dekani i Shkollës së Arkitekturës në Royal College of Arts i cili tash e 4 vite resht emërohet si shkolla më e mire e artit dhe dizajnit në botë nga QS World University Ranking.
Para rolit të tij të tanishëm në RCA, Lahoud ishte Drejtor i MA në Qendrën për Arkitekturë Kërkimore të Goldsmiths University, hulumtues në Projektin ERC të Arkitekturës kërkimore, Udhëheqës në Studion e MPhil të Qyteteve Projektuese në Arkitekturë dhe Dizajn Urban në AA School of Architecture dhe Drejtor i Dizajnit Urban MArch, Bartlett UCL.
Lahoud per temen e doktoratures hulumtoi diskurset kombëtare të periudhës post koloniale dhe format e hershme të qeverisjës kibernetike, si dhe mobilizimin e hulumtimeve klimatike nga Jugu global. Puna e titulluar “The Problem of Scale: The City, the Territory, the Planetary” përcakton një teori nga praktika arkitekturore në kontekstin e përpjekjeve emancipuese.
Ekspozitat e kohëve të fundit përfshijnë: The Shape of the Eclipse në Let’s Talk about the Weather: Art and Ecology in a Time of Crisis Sursock, Muzeu i Bejrutit, Secular Cosmologies nëTrienalen e Arkitekturës në Oslo After Belonging, dhe Floating Bodies në Forensis: Arkitektura e së Drejtës Publike, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin. Gjithashtu ka kontribuar në projektet të kurrikulës së antropocenës dhe teknosferës në Haus der Kulturen der Welt.
Ka bërë prezentime të shumta, duke përfshirë: Fallen Cities at the Arab City: Architecture and Presentation në Columbia University GSAPP; Scale as a Problem, Architecture as a Trap në Climate Change and the Scale of the Environment Columbia University GSAPP, Floating Bodies në Conflict Shorelines Princeton University, New Imaginaries në The Mediterranean Harvard University, Floating Bodies në Travellers ETH Zurich dhe Fallen Cities në Grand Gestures Eikones Basel.
Disa nga publikimet e Adrian Lahoud janë: The Mediterranean: A New Imaginary in New Geographies (Harvard University Press), Floating Bodies in Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth (Sternberg), The Bodele Declaration in Grain, Vapour, Ray: Textures of the Anthropocene (MIT Press), Nomos and Cosmos in Supercommunity (e-flux), Fallen Cities in the Arab City: Architecture and Representation (Columbia University Press), etj.
Ai aktualisht është duke punuar në një projekt që eksploron kryqëzimin e arkitekturës, antropologjisë dhe semiotikës.