Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana (1992) and continued his post graduate studies at the AA School of Architecture in London. In 1996 Jurij Sadar and him cofounded architectural office SADAR+VUGA. Over the past fifteen years it has focused on open, innovative and integral architectural design and urban planning. The office has been driven by a quest for quality, with a strong belief that forward-leaping architectural production contributes to our well-being, and generates a sensitive and responsive development of the physical context we live in, broadening our imagination and stimulating our senses.
He regularly lectures at architectural schools, conferences, and symposia in Slovenia and abroad. In 2003 he was a studio tutor at the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam. He was a visiting critic at AA London, the Bauhaus Kolleg in Dessau, the IAAC in Barcelona, the ETH in Zürich, the Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien and the Academy of Visual Arts Vienna. He participated in two issues of AB architectural bulletin magazine as guest editor. He published numerous articles about current events in architecture and urban planning, in diverse publications.
Boštjan Vuga is currently guest professor at the Adip, TU in Berlin.
He received numerous awards for his work, including Platinum and Golden Pencile (2011 in 2009), Župančič award (2011), Interanational Architecture Award 2009, Trend Prize (2005), Eccs Steel Design Award (2003), Bauwelt Prize (2001). Piranesi Award (1999) and others.
Office Profile
Sadar + Vuga was founded by Jurij Sadar and Boštjan Vuga in Lju- bljana in 1996. Over the past decade and a half it has focused on open, innovative and integral architectural design and urban plan- ning.
The office has been driven by a quest for quality, with a strong be- lief that forward-leaping architectural production contributes to our well-being, and generates a sensitive and responsive development of the physical context we live in, broadening our imagination and stimulating our senses.
The portfolio of built work ranges from innovative town planning to public space sculpture, from interactive new public buildings to interventions within older existing structures.
The client base reflects the diversity of built and project experi- ence. Ranging from municipal councils and Central Government, encompassing national and private arts bodies and multinationals to the best developers in Slovenia and abroad.
SADAR + VUGA designs extended living areas in residential build- ings, guided by the culture and climate of place. SADAR + VUGA shapes interior environments that respond to very personal tastes and desires. Instead of simply creating objects and spaces for pre- formulated life-styles, Sadar + Vuga’s projects challenge our per- ception and trigger our new spatial experience.
Sadar + Vuga’s projects forego adhering to a homogeneus visual and formal language and style. Each of them is developed from precise interpretation of client’s contextual, programmatic and pragmatic constraints.
With the Formula New Ljubljana – a collection of their own projects and urban studies- the architects at Sadar + Vuga intervene in the political and decision-making process. They believe that architec- ture should not merely function as a design object, but also be a means to shape and change social space: they want to make us looka at the world in a different way, so that we can also act differ- ently in it.
“Our architectural production can be defined as: intentionally im- perfect and awkward, robust, and ambiguous, intentionally inco- herent and contradictory, where a single architectural project can be described as both monumental and informal at the same time.”
“We are especially interested in great modern socialist architecture from the 1960ies and 70ies form ex-Yugoslavia and other east Eu- ropean countries. We like a bold use of materials and colours , an expressive heaviness and robustness of its appearance. We like its ‘unfeasible’ formal play that reflects creativity of an architect and provide a strong point of identification and social reference at the same time.”
“Architect has a manifold role in the contemporary society. He is a conductor in an integral design process, he has to be a great com- municator, he is still injecting new impulses to the society, with its activity, he is contributing to the future development of the physical environment. And digital application on smart phones as well.”
AL /
Diplomuar në Fakultetin e Arkitekturës në Lubjanë (1992) dhe vazhdoi studimet e tij pasuniversitare në AA School of Architecture në Londër. Në vitin 1996 së bashku me Jurij Sadar formuan zyrën arkitektonike SADAR + VUGA. Gjatë pesëmbëdhjetë viteve të kaluara SADAR+VUGA është përqendruar në hartime të hapur, inovative dhe integrale arkitektonike dhe ato në planifikimin urban. Studioja ka qenë e shtyrë nga një kërkim për cilësinë, me një besim të fortë dhe vizionar në ate se prodhimi i arkitekturës kualitative kontribuon në mirëqenien tonë dhe gjeneron një zhvillim të ndjeshëm dhe të përgjegjshëm të kontekstit fizik në të cilin jetojmë, në zgjerimin e imagjinatës sonë dhe stimulimin e shqisave tona .
Ai ligjëron në shkollat arkitektonike, konferenca dhe simpoziumeve në Slloveni dhe jashtë vendit. Në vitin 2003 zt. Vuga u emërua si udhëheqës i studios në Institutin Berlage në Roterdam. Ai ishte një kritik vizitues në AA School në Londër, Bauhaus Kolleg në Dessau, IAAC në Barcelonë, ETH në Zyrih, tek Angewandte Universität für Kunst Wien dhe Akademisë së Arteve Visual Vjenë. Ai gjithashtu shërbeu në revistën AB Architectural Magazine si editor mysafir. Ai botoi artikuj të shumtë rreth ngjarjeve aktuale në arkitekturë dhe planifikim urban, në botimet e ndryshme botërore. Boštjan Vuga aktualisht është profesor mysafir në Adip, TU në Berlin.
Ai ka pranuar çmime të shumta për punën e tij, duke përfshirë Platinum dhe Golden pencile (2011 në 2009), Çmimi ZUPANCIC (2011), Çmimin interanational në Arkitekturë 2009, Trendi çmimin (2005), ECCS Steel Design Award (2003), Çmimin Bauwelt (2001). Piranesi Award (1999) e kështu me rradhë.