The University of Toronto Daniels School of Architecture organizes a 2 day seminar and a website launch under the theme of “Architecture in Dialogue: 14th cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture Symposium

This event celebrates the six winning entries of the 14th cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. This prestigious award program selects exemplary built work that combines social and ecological concerns with innovative and exemplary design. An award winner, a field reviewer, a member of the master jury, the editor of book Architecture in Dialogue, the Director of the award program and a steering committee member will be in conversation providing an insider’s perspective into this highly regarded award process. Each participant will share the lessons they learned from their part in the 14th award cycle and how this experience has helped shape their views on the future of design. 

The UofT Daniels 14th cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture website can be accessed through this link AKAA14


The past few weeks have seen Future Architecture members come up with solutions to upgrade the platform and adapt the programme to our current way of living and working.

Future Architecture Platform finds it of key importance to provide a vibrant and inviting space where a dialogue about architecture and society can take place. This is why they have been working hard on preparing online events for the summer and some live events for autumn, when, hopefully, we can be together again.

These ideas come together to form the upgraded version of the 2020 Future Architecture Programme, which includes numerous emerging architects and events held in European cities.

The current situation, which has profoundly shaken our world and deeply affected our lives, has stopped and changed the order of events as well as the FA member programme schedule.

With the real-life gatherings being limited, Future Architecture Platform has adapted the current programme to work in the digital space but looks forward to seeing you at the live events in autumn.

Until we meet again: Stay safe.


Future Architecture Rooms
#Online environment
Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) Curator Anastassia Smirnova (SVESMI)
15 Aug 2020

Future Architecture Rooms is a collection of online spaces—rooms!—each hosted by one institution, one member of the platform. A famous museum and a small gallery, an unorthodox publishing house and a provocative architectural biennial will use these Rooms as stages for their statements about future work, but also their takes on the current times and crisis. As if walking along a corridor, a visitor will be able to open any door and find themselves in places of knowledge exchange, education, and adventure. Please, enter…

Future Architecture Platform is delighted to announce a wide variety of events during the 2020 programme, made possible by the diligence and perseverance of Future Architecture members.

Building Narratives
Architektūros fondas‘ Vilnius, LT 17 Aug – 6 Sept

Architektūros fondas‘ programme Building Narratives is focusing on investigating the relationship between architecture and stories surrounding it. As a new narrative has the power to transform architecture on its own, it is extremely important to understand how different ways of talking about architecture can shape its future. >>


MAXXI Architecture Film Summer School
#Research #Lectures
MAXXI The National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Rome, IT 1 – 30 Jun 2020

Architecture Film Summer School, promoted and organized by MAXXI in collaboration with the Copenhagen Architecture Festival, is an exciting contamination between languages and art forms which aims to develop new expressive tools and knowledge shared in the younger generation of architects and video artists. >>

The Open Bookshelf: Future Architecture Library #Publishing
Dpr-barcelona, Barcelona, ES

The whole Future Architecture Updated Programme 2020


Dezeen announces Virtual Design Festival, the world’s first online design festival, which will take place at from Wednesday 15 April.

Virtual Design Festival is a platform that will bring the design world together to celebrate the culture and commerce of our industry, and explore how it can adapt and respond to extraordinary circumstances.

We will host a rolling programme of online talks, lectures, movies, product launches and more. It will complement and support fairs and festivals around the world that have had to be postponed or cancelled and it will provide a platform for design businesses, so they can in turn support their supply chains.

While we cannot pretend that these are normal times, we can at least explore alternative ways of sharing design, helping others, coming together as a global community and doing business.


Present your new work at the most significant architectural happenings and events that form the core of the 2020European Architecture Program.

Future Architecture is more than a competition. Future Architecture is changing the very foundations of architecture in Europe and beyond. Its goal is to explore boundaries. To break down walls. To build new systems. To form new coalitions. It is a platform that provides practitioners and conceptual thinkers with opportunities to speak up – and to be seen and heard.

Let the Future Architecture platform help you elevate and sharpen your practice. Start exchanging your ideas and projects with peers from all over the world as well as high-profile institutions – museums, galleries, publishing houses, biennials and festivals – to find avenues toward international recognition.

We are inviting multidisciplinary emerging professionals from all over the globe to apply with transformative projects related to our living environments. Send us your completed projects, your theoretical or conceptual propositions for spatial, social or cultural innovation, and join our discussion about the future of architecture.

We welcome projects that address:

  • Systemic changes (prototypes and systems)
  • Site-specific cases (projects customized for certain contexts and tasks; cannot be replicated)
  • Next alliances (cross-, trans- and multi-disciplinary projects, exploring new design processes and methodology)
  • New written narratives (Writing Grant for writers exploring the worlds, landscapes and realities faced by emerging practices shaping future urban environments)

uture Architecture’s board of members will invite selected applicants to present their projects at the Creative Exchange in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and to engage in possible activities within the European Architecture program. The platform will cover travel (from within the EU) and accommodation costs for selected participants.

Platform members will cover travel (from within the EU) and accommodation costs, and will provide an honorarium to the participants that they invite to contribute to their events.

All applications will be published on the website of the Future Architecture platform. The applications will be judged by the Future Architecture board of members, the Future Architecture alumni, and members of the public through online voting.


  • Publication of the Call for Ideas: 18 November 2019
  • Deadline for submitting applications: 6 January 2020
  • Matchmaking Conference: 12–13 February 2020
  • European Architecture Program: 17 February – 31 October 2020


The call is open to emerging architects, landscape architects, urban planners, designers, engineers, artists, curators, people involved in architectural communication and anyone whose professional work is focused on the future of architecture and living environments. To be eligible as an emerging creative for the Future Architecture Platform, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • The applicant’s independent work(s) related to architecture or city development were created after graduation and within the last two years;
  • The applicant has publicly presented or published their independent work(s);
  • The applicant has not yet attained recognition by having a body of critically recognized work at major and established institutions or publishers;
  • The applicant has not participated in previous Future Architecture Platform activities;
  • The applicant may be an individual or a collective.

The open call starts at 12.00 pm CET on 18 November 2019, and all entries must be received by 16.00 pm CET on 6 January 2020. Multiple entries are permitted as an individual or as a collective.

Go to FutureArchitecture for more info on applying for the call 2020


La Biennale di Venezia announces that the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – How Will We Live Together? – curated by Hashim Sarkis, which was to take place in Venice from August 29th through November 29th 2020, has been postponed to 2021, to be held Saturday May 22nd to Sunday November 21st.
Consequently, the 59th International Art Exhibition, curated by Cecilia Alemani, which was to take place in 2021, has in turn been postponed to 2022. It will last 7 months and will be held from Saturday April 23rd to Sunday November 27th.

The decision to postpone the Biennale Architettura to May 2021 is an acknowledgment that it is impossible to move forward – within the set time limits – in the realization of such a complex and worldwide exhibition, due to the persistence of a series of objective difficulties caused by the effects by the health emergency underway.

The current situation, up to now, has definitely prejudiced the realization of the Exhibition in its entirety, jeopardizing the realization, transport and presence of the works and consequently the quality of the Exhibition itself. Therefore, after consulting with the Curator Hashim Sarkis and in consideration of the problems, the invited architects, Participating Countries, institutions, Collateral Events are facing, thanking all of them for their efforts so far, La Biennale has decided to postpone the opening date of the Biennale Architettura to the year 2021, extending its duration back to the customary six months, from May 22nd to November 21st.

“I am deeply moved by the perseverance of all the Participants during the last three months – stated CuratorHashim Sarkis. I hope that the new opening date will allow them first to catch their breath, and then to complete their work with the time and vigor it truly deserves. We did not plan it this way. Neither the question I asked How will we live together? nor the wealth of ways in response to it, were meant to address the crisis they are living, but here we are. We are in some ways fortunate because we are well equipped to absorb the immediate and longer-term implications of the crisis into the Biennale Architettura 2021. The theme does also provide us with the possibility to respond to the pandemic in its immediacy. This is why we will return to Venice in the coming months for a series of activities devoted to the Architecture.”

Kosovo Architecture Foundation is invited as part of the main exhibition of curated by the Hashim Sarkis. For more updated informations on the Biennale do check their website.


An art gallery built into a sand dune, Europe’s first underwater restaurant, a bunker-like apartment, a sustainable algae micro-farm for the home and the world’s first modular hearing aid feature on the Dezeen Awards 2019 longlists.

Dezeen Awards identifies the world’s most outstanding new architecture, interiors and design with diverse longlists of international projects, products and studios.

With the 2019 edition attracting more than 4,500 entries from 87 countries, the Dezeen Awards longlist offers a global perspective on the world’s most oustanding new design, architecture and interiors. It also champions both emerging and established studios at the zenith of their creativity.

A benchmark for international design excellence, Dezeen Awards is the ultimate accolade for architects and designers everywhere.

Download images of highlighted 2019 projects here 



Tonight 04.07.2019 from 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm at Kino Armata we screen the 2 episodes of the Slumbering Concrete documentary.

The documentary series Slumbering Concrete builds a story around the architecture from the period of socialist modernism in former Yugoslavia, an area unique for many dilapidated buildings of outstanding architectural value from the 20th century.

The sixties were a specific time period marked by general optimism in Europe. The reconstruction after the world war is completed and new technologies are changing the world. The dream of a welfare state and prosperity for all in the socialist Yugoslavia is perhaps best reflected in the architecture of the time.

7.00 pm / Spilt – Where Plan Meets Chaos

The City of Split is a fascinating example of urban continuity from antiquity to modernity (from ancient culture to socialist modernism). We are focusing in on the unfinished urban phenomenon of Split 3, one of the most advanced socialist modernist settlements in the world. The complex was built under the Slovene team of architects Mušič, Bežan and Starc in the 1970s following the modernist principles of freestanding cities. However, simultaneously to harmoniously proportioned skyscrapers of Split 3, the space is taken by unregulated individual construction sites. Planning and deregulation coexist, exemplary order clashes with chaos – the city and its antithesis. Opposing tendencies intertwine, and with the passing of time one prevails. We read the city as a reflection of society in the fascinating architectural collage of Split.

9.00 pm / The City That Was Too Modern

After the catastrophic earthquake in 1963, Skopje became a global demonstration city of the future. UN hired international experts to participate in its reconstruction, the central figure being the Japanese avant-garde architect Kenzo Tange who designed the new center using the principles of the metabolism – its first application outside Japan. Fifty years later, North Macedonia seeks its identity through faux Baroque and monumental memorials.




Kosovo Architecture Foundation calls all students and enthusiasts of architecture from Kosovo and beyond to contribute in organizing the Kosovo Architecture Festival, which will be held from the 1st of July till the 30th of September 2019.

The potential candidate should be available for at least 7 days from the 29th of June till the 9th of July.

All interested should send a short CV together with their contacts till 12th of June to


Fondacioni Kosovar i Arkitekturës fton studentët dhe entuziastët e arkitekturës nga Kosova dhe jashtë saj për të kontribuar në organizimin e Festivalit të Arkitekturës në Kosovë që do mbahet nga 1 Korrik deri me 30 Shtator 2019.

Kandidatët potencial duhet të janë në dispozicion së paku 7 ditë nga data 29 Qërshori deri me 8 Korriku.

Gjithë të interesuarit duhet dërguar një CV të shkurtër së bashku me kontaktet e tyre deri me datën 12 Qërshor në


The 20 shortlisted projects for the 2019 Aga Khan Award for Architecture were announced today.  The projects will compete for US$ 1 million in prize money.

In January, an independent Master Jury reviewed hundreds of nominations. The 20 shortlisted projects   are now undergoing rigorous investigations by a team of experts who visit and evaluate each project on-site.  Their reports are the basis for the Master Jury’s selection of the eventual laureates. It should be noted that projects commissioned by the Aga Khan or any of the institutions of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) are ineligible for the Award. To be eligible for consideration in the 2019 Award cycle, projects had to be completed between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2017, and should have been in use for at least one year.

The full list of the 20 shortlisted projects can be found at the Awards website.

Below are some of the images from the shortlisted projects.