Bardhyl Rama, Int’l Assoc AIA (1976), graduated from Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Prishtina. Has been working for International organizations for over 15 years. In his studio, he has done a lot of designs to include: individual residential buildings, multistory apartment buildings, sport centers/swimming pools, war memorials, restaurants, small commercial buildings etc. He is member of several professional organizations: AIA-American Institute of Architects & AIA Europe Chapter, ASCE, NIBS, IAPMO, APWA, CIBSE YEPG (Steering Committee member – Eastern Europe Regional Officer). Participated in several AIA Conferences such as: Hamburg, Lyon, London, Paris, and Milan.

Currently serving as Eastern Europe Section Director for AIA Europe Chapter Board of Directors – coordinating events and activities promoting AIA and AIA Europe in Eastern section.

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) was founded in 1857. It is based in Washington, D.C. There are more than 85,000 members (licensed architects and associates). The AIA is governed by a Board of Directors. The AIA influences government practices that affect the practice of the profession. Sets the industry standard in forms and contracts used in the design and construction industry. Hosts the annual AIA National Convention. There are over 300 local and state Chapters.

AIA Continental Europe –The Chapter’s administrative HQs are in Paris. It was chartered by the Institute on 8 Feb 94. There are AIA, Int’l Assoc. AIA, and Assoc. AIA members. Sections of the Chapter: France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Licht., Northern Europe, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe. AIA Europe usually holds two annual conferences (holds: lectures, presentations, and site visits of the well-known architects’ projects)


Sir Peter Cook RA is one of the most renowned architects of our time. He was a founder of Archigram and was knighted in 2007 by the Queen for his services to architecture and teaching. He is also a Royal Academician and a Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of the French Republic. His achievements with Archigram were recognised by the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2004, when the group was awarded the Royal Gold Medal. Sir Peter Cook studied at the renowned AA School of Architecture where he lectured for many years he later headed the Bartlett School of Architecture. Currently Sir Peter is a professor and a visiting lecturer at many prestigious architecture schools around the world.

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Sir Peter Cook RA është një nga arkitektët më të njohur të kohës sonë. Ka qenë themelues i Archigram-it dhe në vitin 2007 u nderua nga Mbretëresha për kontributet e tij në fushën e arkitekturës dhe mësimdhënies. Ai është Akademik Mbretëror dhe Komandant i Urdhërit të Arteve dhe Letrave të Republikës Franceze. Arritjet e tij me Archigram-in janë njohur nga Instituti Mbretëror i Arkitektëve Britanikë në vitin 2004, kur grupi u nderua me Medaljen e Artë Mbretërore. Sir Peter Cook ka studiuar në shkollën e njohur “AA School of Architecture” ku edhe ishte ligjërues për shumë vite e më vone edhe drejtues i “Bartlett School of Architecture”. Aktualisht Sir Peter Cook është profesor dhe si ligjerues viziton shumë shkolla presigjioze te arkitekturës në mbarë botën.


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Është drejtor i çmimit prestigjioz “Aga Khan Award for Architecture”.

Ai ka qenë i lidhur me këtë çmim që nga viti 1982, kur puna e tij e kishte sjellë në kontakte me arkitektë, ndërtimtarë dhe planifikues hapsinor në mbarë botën. Udhëton gjerësisht në vendet myslimane dhe ka organizuar e marrë pjesë në një numër të madh të seminareve dhe kollokuiumeve ndërkombëtare që kanë të bëjnë me ndërtimin e mjediseve bashkëkohore. Ka bashkëpunuar në një numër të madh të botimeve dhe ekspozitave në arkitekturë dhe ka qenë i përfshire në organizimin e punëtorive profesionale dhe konkurseve ndërkombëtare të arkitekturës. Është ligjerues në shumë vende dhe shpesh i ka rastisur te jetë anëtare jurie i shumë shkollave të arkitekturës në Evropë, Afrikë dhe Azi. Fusha kryesore e specializimit të Darakhshanit është arkitektura bashkëkohore e shoqërive myslimane ku puna e tij profesionale ka përfshirë projektimin dhe menaxhimin e ndërtimit të projekteve të mëdha publike dhe të projekteve infrastrukturore në Iran, si dhe projekte arkitektonike në Paris dhe Gjenevë.

Director of the prestigious Aga Khan Award for Architecture

Farrokh Derakhshani is Director of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. He has been associated with the Award since 1982, where his work has brought him into contact with architects, builders, and planners throughout the world.  He travels extensively in Muslim countries, and has organised and participated in numerous international seminars and colloquia dealing with contemporary built environments. He has collaborated on a large variety of publications and exhibitions on architecture, and has been involved in organising professional workshops and international architectural competitions. He lectures widely and has served as a jury member at schools of architecture in Europe, Africa and Asia. Mr. Derakhshani’s main field of specialisation is the contemporary architecture of Muslim societies, and his professional work has included the design and construction management of large-scale public works and infrastructure projects in Iran, as well as architectural design in Paris and Geneva. He is trained as an architect at the National University of Iran and later continued his studies at the School of Architecture in Paris (UP1).


Born in 1964 in Kosovo, Gezim studied architecture in Prishtina and Geneva University where he graduated in 1993. Gezim is one of the few architects of the post war Kosovo that have managed to overcome the difficult situation of the Kosovo environment. The cornerstone of his aesthetic include simplicity of form, thoughtful space planning and a desire to reveal the nature of the material, all of which contrast with an environment that often defaults to chaos and banality.
Gezim currently heads his architecture studio based in Geneva PHARC and is the Curator to the Kosovo’s Pavilion at this years Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale.


Architect, critic, full professor of design and theory at the School of Architecture of Ascoli Piceno, University of Camerino.
Coordinator of the “Villard d’Honnecourt” international PHD program. Member of CICA (Committee of International Critics of Architecture); advicer for the MVDR prize and for the “Medaglia dell’architettura italiana” (Medal of Italian Architecture).
Since 1981 contributor to the cultural pages of “Il Manifesto” and other national newspapers and radio stations. Member of the editorial board of “Casabella”, “Gomorra”, “Parametro”.
Author of a number of books, text, publications on architects, museums, urban issues: among them Ludovico Quaroni, Peter Eisenman, (per Electa) Young Italian Architects (Birkhauser), Nuova architettura italiana, (Skirà), La metropoli dopo, (Meltemi).
He curated and designed important exhibitions and installations in Italy and abroad. Among others we mention the Biennale in Venice, the MAXXI museum and Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, the Casa dell’architettura in Rome, the Mole Vanvitelliana and Palazzo degli Anziani in Ancona.
Curator of the show and catalogue: Next Generation_ Il futuro dei musei (Electa 2006). Most recently, curator and designer of the show Atlante Italiano 008 on landscape and urban photographers. Among his projects and buildings the Laboratories of the Department of Molecular Biology of University of Camerino, the addition to the Archeologic Museum of Ascoli Piceno and a number of residental and office buildings in Italy.
Among other projects PC is currently working as the senior curator of MAXXI Architettura – the first national museum of architecture in Rome.

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Arkitekt, kritik dhe profesor i rregullt i projektimit dhe teorisë në “School of Architecture of Ascoli Piceno” – University of Camerino. Koordinator i programit ndërkombëtar PHD “Villard d’Honnecourt”. Anëtar i CICA “(Committee of International Critics of Architecture)”. Këshilltar për çmimet “MVDR” dhe “Medaglia dell’architettura italiana”. Që nga viti 1981 kontribuon në faqet kulturore të “Il Manifesto” dhe në gazeta dhe radio stacione të tjera kombëtare. Është edhe anëtar i bordit editorial në “Casabella”, “Gomorra”, “Parametro”.
Autor i një numri të madh të librave, teksteve, publikimeve mbi arkitektët, muzetë, çështjet urbane, si: Ludovico Quaroni, Peter Eisenman, (per Electa) Young Italian Architects (Birkhauser), Nuova architettura italiana, (Skirà), La metropoli dopo, (Meltemi).

Ka qenë kurator dhe projektues i ekspozitave dhe instalacioneve të ndryshme në Itali dhe më gjerë. Ndër të tjera veçojmë “Biennale in Venice”, “MAXXI museum and Palazzo delle Esposizioni” në Romë, “Casa dell’architettura” në Romë, “Mole Vanvitelliana and Palazzo degli Anziani” në Ankona.
Kurator i shfaqjes dhe katalogut: Next Generation – Il futuro dei musei (Electa 2006). Kohëve të fundit ka qenë kurator dhe projektues i shfaqjes “Atlante Italiano 008” mbi peisazhin dhe fotografët urban.
Në mesin e projekteve të tij veçojmë ndërtesën e Laboratoreve të Departamentit të Biologjisë Molekulare në Universitetin e Camerinos, krahas tij veçojmë Muzeun Arkeologjik të Acoli Picenos dhe një numër të madh të ndërtesave rezindenciale dhe zyreve punuese në Itali. Ndër shumë projekte tjera, Ciorra aktualisht është i angazhuar si kurator i lartë i “MAXXI Architectura” – muzeu i parë kombëtar i arkitekturës në Romë.


After graduating in 1986 from the MSU Faculty of Architecture in Istanbul; he worked with Metcalf & Associates in Washington D.C. between 1986-87. From there, between 1987-2004 he worked as an associate designer with Şaziment and Neşet Arolat and later founded Emre Arolat Architects (EAA) with Gonca Paşolar in 2004. His projects with EAA have won many national and international awards, including the 2005 Mies van der Rohe Award for European Architecture (Highly Commended), in 2006 the AR Awards for Emerging Architecture (Highly Commended), in 2010 the Cityscape Dubai Awards, in 2011 the MIPIM AR Future Projects Awards, in 2011 the Green Good Design Awards and the WAF (World Architecture Festival) Awards: in 2012 for Future Projects-Education Category with AGU City Campus and in 2013 the Completed Buildings-Religion Buildings Category with the Sancaklar Mosque. He also received the National Architecture Awards, in the category of “Design” and “Building” in 1992, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2014, the “Award of New Prospects in Architecture” in 2000. He has also won the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2010 with the Ipekyol Textile Factory Building.

He has lectured and taught at many architectural schools and has been a jury member for several architectural design competitions both in Turkey and internationally. He has participated at various professional national and international conferences and seminars. His articles have been widely published in professional design medias. “Nazaran…/With regard to…”, “An/Moment” and ”Fabrika/The Factory” exhibitions curated by EAA has provided a widely spread audience about the work of the office. He has contributed to the EAA’s books, Dalaman Airport, Emre Arolat: Buildings / Projects 1998-2005, and ” …with regard to”. In 2013 the monograph ‘’EAA Emre Eolat Architects-Context & Plurality’’ was published by Rizzoli NY. In 2012, Arolat was one of the two curators of the I. İstanbul Design Biennial.

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Pas diplomimit në Fakultetin e Arkitekturës në MSU – Stamboll në vitin 1986, filloi punën në Metcalf & Associates në Washington D.C. mes viteve 1986-87. Prej vitit 1987 e deri më 2004 punoi si bashkë-dizajner me Saziment dhe Neset Arolat ku edhe e themeloi Emre Arolat Architects (EAA) bashkë me Gonca Pasolar. Projektet e tij me EAA kanë fituar shumë çmime kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare, përfshirë edhe çmimin “Mies van der Rohe Award for European Architecture” në vitin 2005, në vitin 2006 fitoi çmimin “AR Awards for Emerging Architecture”, në vitin 2010 “Cityscape Dubai Awards”, në 2011 “MIPIM AR Future Projects Awards” dhe “Green Good Design Awards”, në 2012 “Future Projects-Education Category with AGU City Campus” dhe në 2013 “Completed Buildings-Religion Buildings Category with the Sancaklar Mosque”. Ai poashtu ka marrë çmime kombëtare për arkitekturë në kategorine “Dizajn” dhe “Ndërtim” në vitet 1992, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2012 dhe 2014, çmimin “New Prospects in Architecture” në vitin 2000. Emre ka fituar edhe çmimin prestigjioz “Aga Khan Award for Architecture” në vitin 2010 me projektin “Ipekyol Textile Factory Building”.

Ka qenë ligjërues në shumë shkolla të arkitekturës si dhe anëtarë jurie i shumë konkurseve të arkitekturës dhe dizajnit si në Turqi poashtu edhe me gjerë. Ka qenë edhe pjesëmarrës i shumë konferencave dhe seminareve profesionale kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare. Artikujt e tij kanë një publikim të gjerë në mediat profesionale të dizajnit. Ekspozitat “Nazaran…/With regard to…”, “An/Moment” and ”Fabrika/The Factory” të kuruara nga EAA kanë siguruar një audinencë të përhapur gjerësisht për punën e zyrës. Ka dhënë një kontribut të madh në librat e EEA-së, siç janë: Dalaman Airport, Emre Arolat: Buildings / Projects 1998-2005, dhe ” …with regard to”. Në vitin 2013 u publikua monografia ‘’EAA Emre Eolat Architects-Context & Plurality’’ nga Rizzoli NY. Më 2012, Arolat ishte njëri nga dy kuratorët e Bienales së Dizajnit në Stamboll.


Urban-Think Tank – D-ARCH, ETH Zurich
is an interdisciplinary design practice dedicated to high-level research and design on a variety of subjects, concerned with contemporary architecture and urbanism. The philosophy of U-TT is to deliver innovative yet practical solutions through the combined skills of architects, civil engineers, environmental planners, landscape architects, and communication specialists. In 1993, Alfredo Brillembourg founded U-TT in Caracas, Venezuela, and in 1998, Hubert Klumpner joined as co-director. Since 2007, Brillembourg and Klumpner have taught at Columbia University, where they founded the Sustainable Living Urban Model Laboratory (S.L.U.M. Lab), and since 2010, they hold the Chair for Architecture and Urban Design at the Swiss Institute of Technology, ETH in Zurich. The work concerns both theoretical and practical applications within architecture and urban planning. Working in global contexts by creating bridges between first world industry and third world, informal urban areas, they focus on the education and development of a new generation of professionals, who will transform cities in the 21st century. They have been awarded the 2010 “Ralph Erskine Award” from the Swedish Association of Architects for their innovation in architecture and urban design with regard to social, ecological and aesthetic aspects, the 2011“Global Silver Holcim Award” for Sustainable Construction and the 2012 “Golden Lion” at the 13th Venice Biennial.

Haris Piplas, Dipl. Eng. M.Sc. Urban Design
Born in Sarajevo in 1984, he has studied and graduated at the University of Sarajevo receiving the Best student Award and University Charter followed by a M.Sc. in Urban Design at the Technical University of Berlin. His memberships and activities, among others, include the Editor position of the Journal of the “International Federation for Landscape Architecture – Europe”, Young Leaders Committee position at the “Urban Land Institute” Germany, the Steering Committee position in Network “MediverCities” initiated by the UN SCBD. He has collected practical experience in Denmark, Germany and Bosnia as well as conducted academic research at ETH Zurich and Politecnico di Milano. He has been guest speaker and visitor at several institutions and events including Harvard, Prince of Wales Foundation for Building Community, MIT, TU Wien, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, UNECE, European Forum Alpbach and at academic platforms including AESOP (Association of European Schools for Planning), ECLAS (European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools) etc. Since 2011 he is affiliated with the Brillembourg&Klumpner Urban-Think-Tank Chair of Architecture and Urban Design at ETH Zurich’s D-ARCH where he figures as a Researcher and coordinates of the “Urban Design I/II: Urban Stories” Lecture Series.

Daniel Schwartz
Daniel Schwartz (b. 1987, Nairobi) is a filmmaker, photographer, and researcher. He studied Urban Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania and Radio Journalism at the University of Botswana. His photography and writing have appeared in numerous publications such as The Guardian and New York Times, and his films have screened and been broadcasted internationally. He currently works as associate director of Urban-Think Tank Films, the media arm of the international design firm Urban-Think Tank, and their Chair at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich)


Saimir Kristo

Saimir Kristo [1987] is an architect and an urban designer and currently lecturer and curricula manager of POLIS University in Tirana, Albania. In his professional experience he also collaborated in urban participatory processes, as a coordinator in urban planning projects for various cities in Albania. His scientific research is based on the paradigm of information technology in architecture and at the same time he is editor at Forum A+P, Scientific Journal for Architecture and Urban Planning and member of the editorial board of MAD Magazine. Currently he is curator of TAW – Tirana Architecture Week – [En]Visioning Future Cities.

Arch Ledian Bregasi

Ledian Bregasi is an Albanian architect who graduated in Architecture at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, where he is currently developing his PhD studies in Architecture Theory and Design. At the moment he is lecturing in the Design Studio II and Information Architecture course at POLIS University in Tirana. The emergence of behavioral patterns and the role of self-regulation in complex systems, are the main focus of his research interests.
His professional experience includes collaborations with the local administrations in Tirana and with architecture firms in Italy and Albania. At present he works as an architect at Metropolis Architecture and Planning studio in Tirana. From 2012 he is head of AUA, Albanian Union of Architects and Urban Planners.


Born in 1937 Athens is a Greek architect and teacher. He studied architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, completing his studies in 1961. From 1961 to 1971 he worked for architects Douglas Stephen and Partners, London, while also (from 1963) teaching at the Architectural Association under Hermann Senkowsky. Zenghelis became a prominent teacher at the school for introducing more radical avant-gardism into the curriculum. From 1971 to 1975 Zenghelis collaborated with various architects in London, Paris and New York: Georges Candilis, Michael Carapetian, Aristeides Romanos, Rem Koolhaas, O.M. Ungers and Peter Eisenman.
Zenghelis came to critical attention with the work of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), which he founded together with his wife Zoe Zenghelis and husband-and-wife Rem Koolhaas (Zenghelis’ former student) and Madelon Vriesendorp. From 1980 to 1987 Zenghelis was partner in charge of OMA London, and from 1982 to 1987 OMA Athens. Of the OMA works, Zenghelis was a central influence in the early works: Extension of the Dutch Houses of Parliament, The Hague, 1978; Lutzowstrasse, IBA Berlin, 1981; Parc de la Villette, Paris, 1982; Checkpoint Charlie housing, IBA Berlin, 1990. Several of the paintings that Elia Zenghelis made with Zoe Zenghelis to illustrate the OMA projects – such as Hotel Sphinx (1975), and Sixteen Villas on the Island of Antiparos, Greece (1981) – are now included in the Art and Design collection of the MOMA in New York.

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Është arkitekt dhe mësues grek, i lindur në vitin 1937 në Athinë. Ka studiuar arkitekturën në “Architectural Association School of Architecture” në Londër ku edhe diplomoi në vitin 1961. Që nga viti i diplomimit e deri më 1971 ka punuar për arkitektët “Douglas Stephen and Partners” në Londër ku njëkohësisht (nga viti 1963) ishte mësues në AA. Zenghelis u bë një mësues i shquar pasi futi më shumë avant-gardizem radikal në programin mësimor. Gjatë viteve 1971-1975 Zenghelis ka bashkëpunuar me arkitektë të ndryshëm në Londër, Paris dhe Nju Jork: Georges Candilis, Michael Carapetian, Aristeides Romanos, Rem Koolhaas, O.M. Ungers and Peter Eisenman.
Zenghelis tërhoqi vëmendje kritike me punën e “Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)”, të cilën e themeloi me gruan e tij Zoe Zenghelis, Rem Koolhaas (ish-student i Elias) dhe me Madelon Vriesendorp. Nga viti 1980 deri më 1987 Zenghelis ishte partner kryesues i OMA-së në Londër dhe i OMA-së në Athinë gjatë viteve 1982-1987. Zenghelis pati ndikim qendror në punët e hershme të OMA-së: Extension of the Dutch Houses of Parliament, The Hague, 1978; Lutzowstrasse, IBA Berlin, 1981; Parc de la Villette, Paris, 1982; Checkpoint Charlie housing, IBA Berlin, 1990. Disa piktura të Elia Zenghelis të cilat i kishte realizuar me gruan e tij Zoe Zenghelis për të ilustruar punën dhe projektet e OMA-së si: Hotel Sphinx (1975) dhe Sixteen Villas on the Island of Antiparos, Greqi (1981), tani janë pjesë e koleksionit të Artit dhe Dizajnit të MOMA-së në Nju Jork.


Senior Urban Designer, NYC-Department of City Planning

Bachelor of Architecture with Honors from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (2002); Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design from Columbia University as a Fulbright Scholar (2007). At Columbia Skye was awarded a Kinne Travel Fellowship and the Lucille Smyser Lowenfish Memorial Prize (2007). She currently holds the position of Senior Urban Designer at the NYC Department of City Planning, Office of the Chief Urban Designer where she was recently awarded the Michael Weil Award for Urban Design in recognition of outstanding performance, dedication and creativity. She has worked on a number of large scale site specific projects including Coney Island, Hunters Point South, Hudson Yards, Hudson Square, Lower Concourse, and North Shore, as well as various city wide efforts that look to improve the health and sustainability of New York’s build fabric. She has contributed to the New York City agency publications; Active Design: Shaping the Sidewalk Experience (2013), Vision 2020: New York City Comprehensive Waterfront Plan (2011), Working West Shore 2030: Creating Jobs, Improving Infrastructure and managing Growth (2011), Active Design Guidelines (2010), USGBC NYC Green Codes Task Force Report (2010) and the NYCDOT Street Design Manual (2009). In 2005 she won the National Premier Award for her team’s entry, (Swings & Roundabouts) in the “Housing New Zealand State Housing Competition.” Her work has also been published in Landscape Architecture New Zealand (2012), Emerging Urban Futures (2009), Water System Science and Policy Interfacing (2009), Constellations: Constructing Urban Design Practices (2007), Architecture New Zealand and Cross Section NZIA (2005).

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Bachelor e Arkitekturës e nderuar nga Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (2002), Master e Shkencës në Arkitekturë dhe Planifikimit Urban në Columbia University me titull Fulbright Scholar (2007). Në Colombia, Skye u shpërblye me “Kinne Travel Fellowship” dhe “Lucille Smyser Lowenfish Memorial Prize” (2007). Aktualisht mban postin “Senior Urban Designer” në Departamentin e Planifikimit Urban në Nju Jork, ku kohëve të fundit u shpërblye me çmimin “Michael Weil Award for Urban Design” për punë të shkëlqyer, përkushtim dhe kreativitet.
Ka punuar në një numër të madh projektesh përfshirë Coney Island, Hunters Point South, Hudson Yards, Hudson Square, Lower Concourse, dhe North Shore, si dhe ka qenë pjesë e shumë iniciativave për përmirësimin e qëndrueshmërise së objekteve të Nju Jork-ut. Ka dhënë kontribut edhe në agjensinë e publikimeve në Nju Jork. Aktualisht merret me: Sidewalk Experience (2013), Vision 2020: New York City Comprehensive Waterfront Plan (2011), Working West Shore 2030: Creating Jobs, Improving Infrastructure and managing Growth (2011), Active Design Guidelines (2010), USGBC NYC Green Codes Task Force Report (2010), NYCDOT Street Design Manual (2009). Në vitin 2005 fitoi çmimin “National Premier Award” për paraqitjen e ekipit të saj (Swings & Roundabouts) në “Housing New Zealand State Housing Competition.” Puna e saj është publikuar edhe në: Landscape Architecture New Zealand (2012), Emerging Urban Futures (2009), Water System Science and Policy Interfacing (2009), Constellations: Constructing Urban Design Practices (2007), Architecture New Zealand and Cross Section NZIA (2005).