Figueres, 1968. Architect for the ETSA of Barcelona. Visiting Visual Artist at the ZKM in Karlsruhe, with a scholarship from Krtu, Generalitat de Catalunya. Associate Set Designer for Bob Wilson: “Danton’s Tod”, Salzburger Festspiele and “Time Rocker”, Thalia Theater, Hamburg, 1995-2000. Director of Cloud 9 studio since 1997. Co-Director of Metapolis 2000-2003. Art Media Consultant for the Mercat de les Flors 2002. Curator of the Spanish Pavilion of the V Biennal of Architecture in Sao Paulo, 2003. Co-Chairman of the 3rd Industrial Revolution Architects Roundtable committee with Jeremy Rifkin , since 2007. President of the Jury of Prix Luxembourgeois d’Architecture 2007. Luxembourg 2007 Founder of Energy Attack with Jon Idiakez, 2007. Tutor Master in Architectural Design Unit at Barlett School of Architecture, London, since 2010 Unit Master of Diploma Unit 18 at Architectura Assosiation, London, since 2010 Co-Chairman of the Figueres Creative City, 2010 His works belongs to the collections of MoMa (New York), FRAC Centre Collection (Orleans) and Centre Pompidou (Paris). Enric Ruiz-Geli performs lectures and mantain colaboration with a map of Labs as Angewandte, Architectural Association School, UCLA, Passadena Art Center, CITA, RMIT, MIT, Bartlett, Buckminster Fuller Institute, ETHZ, IE School of Architecture, entre otros. Cloud 9 agenda is to look at Pilot Projects in Global Warming Scenarios. Enric Ruiz-Geli has created patents as master pieces of Digital Fabrication. His building Media-ICT has been awarded as Best Building of the World by WAF 2011. It is a Net Zero Building built at very competitive construction cost. Cloud 9 has signed Media-ICT Knowledge Transfer Contracts in Taipei, OECS, Qatar, Kuwait and Moscow. Co-Chairman of Science Advisory Comitee of Tecnalia, 2011. Co-Chairman International Committee of Experts at Iakov Chernikhov Prize, Moscow, 2012.
Winner WAN 21 for 21 Award, 2012 WAF Award, World’s Best Building of the Year with Media-ICT, 2011 Special mention at FAD Awards with Media-ICT, 2011 Investigation Prize at XI Spanish Biennal of Architecture and Urbanism with Media-ICT, 2011 First prize, Pavilion in Ecole Especiale de Paris, 2011 Nominee to the Brit Awards Design Museum in London to Media-ICT, 2011 Nominee to the City of Barcelona Award to Media-ICT, 2011 Nominee to the Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award to Media-ICT, 2011 Nominee to the Iakov Chernikhov Prize with Media-ICT, Moscu 2011
Steel Design Awards ECCS, European Convention For Constructional Steelwork, to Media-ICT, 2009. Finalist 10th Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial, to Villa Nurbs, 2009 Prize Sustanable Enviroment Proyects from the Generalitat de Catalunya, to Cloud 9’s ETFE technology, 2009
Honor Mention at the VII Premios Cerámica de Arquitectura y Interiorismo ASCER to Villa Nurbs, 2009 Subvention of the Entitat Autònoma de Difusió Cultural (Generalitat de Catalunya) to the project “From physical to digital realms through Cad Cam Processes” to Villa Nurbs, 2008 Prize Corian Dupont to Villa Nurbs, 2008
R+D Award ARCHITECT at SciArc Los Angeles, to “artificial leaf” Prestige Forest Hotel, 2008 Finalist Premios Saloni, to Evru Cave, 2008 First Prize, International Contest for the New York Aquarium at Coney Island, Wild Life.
Conservation Society, 2007 Prize Quatrium best Architect by Grupo Via, 2007 Prize Chicago Ateneum, 2007 Prize Emergente Tendencias, El Mundo, 2007 FirstPrize International Contest Media-ICT, el Consorci de la Zona Franca and 22@, 2006 Finalist to Villa Bio at the VI edition of the “Saloni” Architecture Prize, 2006 Finalist to Morphorest at the FAD Architecture and Design Prize, 2005 Prize of the Association of Catalan Art Critics (ACCA) to the Galería Joan Prats for best exhibition Evru 2003 First Prize, International Contest for the Aviary Marine Zoo of Barcelona, 2000 First Prize, Ephemeral Architecture Aguirre Newman IAZ, 1998 First Prize, International 2G Contest, for the New Mies van der Rohe Foundation, 1998
website: ruiz-geli.com