The Kosovo Architecture Foundation was pleased to host a group of ETH Professors, Students and Swiss Artists for a one-day study visit to Prishtina. The visit was part of the “Debalkanize. A journey to Macedonia & Kosovo” study program under the chair of Prof.Dr. Philip Ursprung.
The visitors, apart from touring the “late-modernistic” landmarks of the city of Prishtina such as the National Library, Ethnological Museum, Youth and Sports Center, the Brotherhood and Unity Monument, etc. Also met with some heads of some of the key cultural institutions in the capital city. A short architecture tour of the main historic monuments in Prishtina preceded the visit to the Stacioni – Center for Contemporary Arts where they met the with the Albert Heta and Vala Osmani who head this important independent arts institution. Later the group visited the National Gallery where the director and curator Erzen Shkololli presented the history and the work being done by the Gallery. The visitors had a lengthy tour of the National Library hosted by the director Mr. Tefik Mehmeti. visitors also toured the Youth and Sports Center and met with Besa Luci from the Kosovo 2.0 platform, Artist Alban Muja and art performance group “Have it”. The group concluded their study tour in Prishtina with a visit to newly established gallery”Lambda Lambda Lambda” where they had a talk with founders Katharina Schendl and Isabella Ritter.
The next 3 days the ETH study group visited a couple of cities in Macedonia where they were hosted by City Creative Networks’ founders Milan Dinevski and Damjan Kokolevski.