Grégoire Deberdt (°1986, France) is a licensed architect and urbanist based in Paris.

After studying landscape design (Institute of Genech), architecture (ENSA Versailles) and urban policies (Sciences Po Paris), Grégoire has worked in architecture, urban planning and real estate strategy consulting offices in Paris, Basel, London, Mumbai and Brussels. With his own practice, he works on spatial interventions, documentary projects and research for private clients, cultural institutions and public authorities. His spatial interventions and studies range from domestic scale to large territorial strategies. To investigate and document the diversity of our spatial environment, he uses cartography, storytelling, photography, audio/video recordings, exhibition design, and collaborates with film-makers, researchers and artists. After teaching spatial and urban representation at the ENSACF, he joined in 2019 the architecture school of EAVT Paris-Est.

Gregoire is a Future Architecture Platform 2020 Selected Creative.

About the lecture/ September/17/2020 18:30 CET

Diasporic Ties

While a lot of research has been done on how the diaspora can transform fragments of the city they live in, few has been investigated on the spatial manifestations of their ties with their departure city. In the European territory, the case of Prishtina is complex and radical, as a constant flow of remittances from the diaspora irrigates its economy and thereby its real estate and construction sectors. While standing in a position of openness and un-dogmatism, the observation of the urban evolution from post-conflictual informal constructions to the new unbridled residential developments raises environmental, social and economic issues. The Diasporic Ties project gathers a work of interview recordings, mapping and photo reports, identifying precise situations and their evolutions. Thereby the project wishes to create a new source of thoughts and debate within and beyond Kosovo, and to initiate new narratives crossing the territorial policies and the architectural disciplines.

Lectures News
19 Mar 2020

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